The Welwyn Hatfield Community and Voluntary Services staff volunteers and Trustees

Our Mission Statement

To promote, support and develop the voluntary sector in Welwyn Hatfield.

Our Strategy

WHCVS seeks to be an essential part of a sustainable local community and an invaluable part of the provision of effective services, particularly in Welwyn Hatfield’s most vulnerable and excluded communities.

We aim to maintain our independence in order to protect and respond to the needs of our beneficiaries, members and clients.  We will play a critical role in improving quality of life by influencing positive change, improving community and social cohesion by collaborative working and networking as an effective way of maximising limited resources.

What We Do

The WHCVS plays a vital role in setting up and steering new projects and then withdrawing when they are out of the embryonic stage. Successful projects have been the Alzheimers Society, Victim Support, Furniture Recycling Scheme, Welwyn Hatfield Ethnic Minority Group (Kaleidoscope) and Potential Kids.

Our History

Dr Dennis Lewis was the first Chairman of the then “WGC Fountain Society” in 1968. This transmuted into the Council of Social Service and then in 1974 it became the Welwyn Hatfield CVS. In 1989, he stood down as Chairman  after many years and was subsequently made Life President in appreciation of services rendered to the community.


The Welwyn Hatfield CVS is a Registered Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee. It has a board of 7 Directors who meet quarterly. We are part funded by Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council combined with a number of fundraising strategies that bring in extra income, including donations from members of the public and Outreach work provided by the Chief Executive Officer.

The WHCVS raises awareness of the issues and value of the voluntary sector and we have an important part to play in developing relationships and partnerships with statutory bodies and all types of voluntary organisations and community groups. Our Volunteer Centre sits at the heart of our organisation and we rely heavily on our volunteers whose help sustain our date to day functions. We provide a network for our members and we invite speakers on specialist topics that are of interest to our community. 

Hertfordshire Community Foundation New Logo 2022