Welcome to our event and activities page where you will find:

  • Events, activities and training provided by the Welwyn Hafield Community & Voluntary Service
  • Events, activities and training from our affiliated organisation
  • Local & national campaigns

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EASTER FUN with Potential Kids

Promoting social inclusion, new friendships, physical activity, life skills, learning and social skills

Join us for an egg-citing Easter extravaganza at Potential Kids! 

Featured Featured Event Series Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

Someone dies of bowel cancer every 30 minutes in the UK.  Nearly four in ten people in the UK can't name a single symptom of bowel cancer. Bowel Cancer UK have launched the #KnowTheHigh5 campaign to raise awareness of the red flag symptoms of the disease.

If you would like to advertise your event or activity with the Welwyn Hatfield Community & Voluntary Service, please email:office@whcvs.org.uk
