Welcome to our event and activities page where you will find:

  • Events, activities and training provided by the Welwyn Hafield Community & Voluntary Service
  • Events, activities and training from our affiliated organisation
  • Local & national campaigns

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Love Parks Week

Keep Britain Tidy runs #LoveParks Week to celebrate and support the efforts of volunteers and workers up and down the country to maintain and protect our green spaces.

Herts View Point’s Music Appreciation

Virtual held over Zoom

Spend your Saturday night with us and share the songs that inspire and motivate you, the music you turn to when your feeling blue and the bangers you play to blow the cobwebs away! Music is a timeless and proven source of inspiration, motivation and positivity, used to express yourself in ways that you may not even be able to put into words.

If you would like to advertise your event or activity with the Welwyn Hatfield Community & Voluntary Service, please email:office@whcvs.org.uk
