We’re please you would like to include volunteers in your organisation

Please contact us to talk about your volunteer needs; we are happy to help.

  • We will help you by advertising your volunteering opportunities. Both on the national Do-it website, and locally.
  • We will contact you on a regular basis to check the details of any opportunities that we are promoting for you.
  • You can get information and advice about best practice in recruiting and managing volunteers.
  • We can help you develop your local volunteering opportunities 

We can start helping your organisation recruit and manage volunteers today!

Register today and list your volunteering opportunity. Download the forms, complete and return them to the email below.

If you are not in Welwyn Hatfield then you can find your local Volunteer Centres in Hertfordshire by clicking here.

E: volunteercentre@whcvs.org.uk 

T: 01707 274861

Basic Membership (Community Groups and Voluntary Sector Organisations)

FREE – This includes:

  • Our contact us with a question service allows anyone to call up and ask a quick question that will not require further research or more in-depth support. It may be, for example, asking if they need to be a registered charity to apply for funding.

Full Membership Benefits to the Volunteer Centre Welwyn Hatfield and Welwyn Hatfield CVS (Local Charities and Community Groups)

£30 Per year – This includes:

  • Access to CVS equipment, audio-visual equipment hires, often at discounted rates
  • Promotion of our Members through articles, displays and events
  • 1:1 and group advice and support in governance
  • Template policies
  • Local and countywide networks and partnerships
  • Regular information updates and info e-bulletins
  • Governance, representation and liaison on local networks and partnerships
  • DBS (formerly CRB) checking services at discounted rates
  • Priority invitation to free networking events
  • Specialised training and workshops at discounted rates
  • Promotion of your events via our social networks
  • Support with volunteer recruitment (we offer 1:1 advice session to Help volunteers find suitable opportunities) · Free advertising on www.doit.life/ and www.govolherts.org.uk/
  • Volunteer management training
  • Assistance with volunteer management, such as the Six Point Promise
  • Membership is £30 pa to local charities and community groups

Countywide Membership (Local Charities and Community Groups)

£100 per year

We partner with other Volunteer Centres in the country to provide a cohesive service with a wider range of opportunities Please visit: Volunteering Hertfordshire

Full Membership (Businesses and Statutory Bodies)

£100 per year – This includes:

  • Access to the Welwyn Hatfield CVS E-bulletin with monthly updates on local issues, events and more
  • Research team building activities
  • Free ‘quick question’ service (for quick questions that do not require further research or more in depth support)
  • Assistance with volunteer management, such as the Six Point Promise

Applying for Membership

To apply or renew your membership, please download the membership form and return the completed form to E: c.dillon@whcvs.org.uk or drop it into the office at Gracemead House, Woods Ave, Hatfield AL10 8HX.

Please make your cheque payable to “WHCVS” or call T: 01707 274861 for BACS payment details.

