Let’s Chat is a telephone service, which provides regular calls and a friendly chat to people who feel isolated. Our volunteers make regular calls to clients to offer a bridge into outside world.

Conversations are not structured and offer support. Over time our clients become acquainted with our volunteers; they feel comfortable and at ease.

The pandemic saw a rise in the demand for the service and more volunteers came on board to help in the community. Today the services is still available to our vulnerable clients.Conversations are not structured and offer support. Over time our clients become acquainted with our volunteers; they feel comfortable and at ease.

Volunteers have an enhanced DBS checked and regularly keep up to date with local services offering assistance in various areas.

We welcome, referrals from organisations that feel their client may benefit from this service.

Staff, volunteers and clients visited the Dutch Nursery in Brookmans Park for Christmas shopping and a spot of lunch.

For some, this was the first time they had been out in 3 years due to isolation; they had a good time socialising and received our support.

Who will be offered this service?

People who are isolated as a result of:

  • Age
  • Being housebound
  • Mental illness
  • Physical illness/disability
  • Geography – living away from family

How can Let’s Chat help its clients?

The callers can be helped by:

  • Providing regular friendly chats
  • Helping the client to feel connected
  • Listening in a non-judgmental way
  • Sharing News with someone who cares
  • Helping the client feel less isolated and alone
  • Giving encouragement
  • Passing on information on social groups, agencies that may be able to assist them e.g. social services, Age UK, HAD etc.
  • Discussing resources
  • Referring clients on to other agencies (with the client’s permission)
  • Giving the caller something to look forward to in the forthcoming week.

To find out more or to access the service, call our office on T: 01707 274 661. We have a fabulous team of volunteers with listening ears and ready to have conversations with you.

Join Us

We are alway looking for volunteers and would love to here from you if you have some hours spare during the week, please fill in our registration form and return to E: volunteercentre@whcvs.org.uk
