HertsHelp is currently undergoing a transition from the current provider to the new provider, HAPP (Hertfordshire Advice Providers Partnership) a partnership between Citizens Advice Stevenage and Age UK Hertfordshire. The new service is due to go live on 1st September.
HertsHelp is our countywide information and advice helpline which has trained advisors to help people find independent support, guidance and information to get the most out of life. More information can be found via the website here – www.hertshelp.net
Please be advised the HertsHelp opening hours from Friday 1st September 2023 to Sunday 1st October will temporarily change to the following hours to enable staff training to take place:
Monday to Friday – 10:00 -16:00
Saturday & Sunday – 10:00 -14:00
Telephone: 0300 123 4044 Email address: info@hertshelp.net
Text hertshelp to: 60060
The HertsHelp mobilisation team has been meeting and speaking with Hertfordshire residents (and professionals) throughout the transition period. This has been done to help us improve future services by understanding the level of knowledge in communities regarding the information, advice, and signposting that the team at HertsHelp can provide to all Hertfordshire residents.
“We are excited about this transition and believe that it presents an opportunity for positive growth and development,” says Charlotte Blizzard Welch, CEO of Citizens Advice Stevenage.
Mark Hanna, CEO of Age UK Hertfordshire. “The support and feedback from our team and stakeholders will help to ensure a successful changeover. We are so pleased with the insight we’ve received so far.”
We are currently in the process of designing a web-based application form to assist people who need to apply for financial assistance from Welfare Assist Scheme.
As HertsHelp continues to move forward, the team is committed to its mission of positively impacting the lives of Hertfordshire’s residents, professionals and communities, by facilitating access to the right information and support.
We would like to ask for your patience and understanding during this time of change/transition.