Community Groups in Hatfield Team Up for The Great British Spring Clean 2022

Residents are teaming up to hit Hatfield for a big litter pick for the Great British Spring Clean. We would love to see them do it in fancy dress but that may be pushing it. To join a team by referring to the timetable coordinated by Marion from Clean Up Hatfield. Working with Love Welwyn Hatfield and Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council, equipment will be provided on the day; you simply have to pick your location and just turn at the right time. Don’t forget to send your photos in to for a shout out.

Love Parks Week

Keep Britain Tidy runs #LoveParks Week to celebrate and support the efforts of volunteers and workers up and down the country to maintain and protect our green spaces.

Love Welwyn Hatfield teams start the Great British Spring Clean in the Borough

The Great British Spring Clean is well on the way and at the weekend, Tim and his team of volunteers tackled a litter pick in Hatfield with Love Welwyn Hatfield for the #GBSpringClean and the #MillionMileMission. Saturday: Picked Bishop Rise, near St John’s Church 4-5 bags of litter. Sunday: They covered Hazel Grove and retrieved a lot of rubbish out of the woods between Herneshaw and Broom Close. The additional bags collected were added to those collected on Saturday. Nice work guys, loving the photos and a big thank you for helping with the #GreatBritishSpringClean in the borough during #VolunteersWeek.

Volunteers Week 1st -7th June 2021

Volunteers with the Welwyn Hatfield Community and Voluntary Service share their volunteering experience for Volunteers’ Week

A Spotlight Moment for Volunteers We love to hear how our volunteers have found volunteering for us in our various schemes, they help our services run smoothly and are alway giving 100 percent and more. A massive thank you to these volunteers for stepping forward and sharing what they have found enjoyable in their positions. If you have found voluntary work through Volunteer Centre Welwyn Hatfield and would like to share your experience too, please email We are celebrating all volunteers throughout the year but especially for #VolunteersWeek. Don’t forget, we have a Volunteers Thank You Coffee Morning this Thursday 3rd June 11am – 12:30pm via Zoom and more events happening throughout the year can be view in What’s On. To learn more about volunteering or how to recruit volunteers for you organisation visit Volunteer Centre Welwyn Hatfield.

This week is Volunteers’ Week!

This year’s 37th annual #VolunteersWeek will be ‘A time to say thanks’. From 1-7 June, join us in recognising and thanking all #volunteers who supported our communities throughout this pandemic and all those who usually volunteer but have not been able to because of coronavirus. We will be celebrating all of the tremendous work and hours volunteers have contributed to organisations and the community. Join us on twitter and follow #VolunteersWeek to see all the achievements of volunteers around the country. .

A group of Welwyn volunteers improve pathways to woods with Love Welwyn Hatfield

Our clean up, fix up, plant up scheme Love Welwyn Hatfield and the team of volunteers from the Sherrardspark Woods Warden Society have been busy improving the the pathways for disabled and general public access. Do check out the article in this weeks Welwyn Hatfield Times Newspaper and pay the woodlands a friendly visit to see all of their hard work. Well done; stellar work – as the saying goes “One team, one dream”

The 7th WGC Girl Guides’ get picking at MoneyHole Park

Cheryl Horton our Project Coordinator for the Love Welwyn Hatfield project has been busy organising litter picking groups in and around Welwyn Hatfield. Today is World Earth Day and we are celebrating all those around our world, working to care for our precious planet. Close to home, we say a big thank you to the 7th WGC Girl Guides for their litter picking efforts at MoneyHole Park this week. Young people, your actions change the world! If you would like to get involved in helping to keeping Welwyn and Hafield looking beautiful, we have litter picking kits ready to go! Email Cheryl E:
