Volunteer involving organisations will be encouraged to self-assess their current policies, practices and procedures with an easy to use checklist which consists of a series of simple statements about basic volunteer management.  Organisations can decide whether they fully meet the criteria, meet them partly, or not meet them at.

  • We can offer 1-1 support and direction to assist you get the procedures and policies in place to fully support your volunteers.
  • Once everything is complete we will present you with a certificate a logo to use and your name will appear on a dedicated website page.

For organisations we provide:

  • FREE advertising of voluntary opportunities on our local database and on doit.life or our member organisations.
  • Information and training on volunteer management 6 Point Promise (Hertfordshire Organisations)
  • Reference materials on Volunteer Management
  • Occasional volunteer recruitment events e.g. Volunteer Speed matching
  • Volunteers Week and make a Difference Day Events

Volunteer Management Training

Delivered in partnership with our Volunteer Centre colleagues in Hertfordshire, our interactive and engaging 2 part one-day course, explores the challenges of recruiting, retaining and managing volunteers, making it ideal for staff and volunteers who have this responsibility as part, or all, of their role

It is ideal for staff who have this responsibility as their role. We have split the course into two halves to give participants more choice.

If you have not already achieved the 6 Point Promise this is an ideal opportunity to get started. Funders seek evidence of quality service; the 6 Point Promise acknowledges your commitment to excellence.

The training course will be on: TBC

Presenting the Valuing Volunteer Management Award to 2021 winnersCarers in Herts

Carers in Herts excelled in the 6 Point Promise

Valuing Volunteer Management Award 2021

Volunteering Herts would like to wish the winners of the 2021 Valuing Volunteer Management Award: Carers in Hertfordshire, our heartfelt congratulations and thanks for demonstrating such exemplary commitment to caring for your volunteers.

On behalf of your volunteers, THANK YOU. Watch us presenting them with their award here.
